Are The Club’s Classes Open to Non-Members?
Yes. The NRA Home Firearm Safety Class is open to the public and is offered monthly.
The club does offer other seminars, classes and group activities that are only available to members. The following are some recent examples:
- Introduction to Cap and Ball Revolvers;
- Introduction to Home & Personal Defense for the Firearms Owner;
- Introduction to Concealed Carry;
- Introduction to Pistol/Rifle Reloading;
- Introduction to Black Powder Shooting;
- Introduction to the AR15;
- Introduction to Live Fire Handgun;
- Introduction to Trap Shooting;
- Live fire defensive handgun class: Shooting for the Street;
- Seminar: Use of Lethal Force for Gun Owners and Concealed Carriers;
- Bruce Gray Pistol Skills For Competition Class
- Practical Handgun Bi-Weekly Group
- Beginner Pistol Skills Live Fire Class
- GOAL MA Gun Laws Seminar
- GOAL Live Fire Principles of Concealed Carry
Appears in: General FAQ