FCSC Club Rules


Physical Address
721 River Road, Deerfield, MA

Mailing Address for all correspondence and billing:
PO Box 716, Turners Falls, MA 01376

Website: www.fclsc.org


(Revised March 2017)


The Franklin County Sportsmen's Club is a private, non-profit, membership club that was established to promote and sustain the shooting sports in Franklin County, Massachusetts. The Club owns and maintains a shooting range facility on 81 acres in Deerfield, for the enjoyment and safe practice of the shooting sports by the Club's membership and guests.

FCSC’s mission is to enhance and fully support the shooting sports in a safe and legal environment. Federal, State, Municipal and FCSC rules, regulations, laws and policies shall be followed by everyone who enters the property and uses the facilities of FCSC.


Subject to its By Laws, FCSC is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected annually by the membership. The FCSC Board of Directors consists of 15 positions: 4 elected executive officers (President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer); 10 elected Directors; and the most recent past President.

The club’s membership meets to discuss club business on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.


  • This is a private members-only club.
  • Members must wear their membership badge so it is visible while on club property.
  • All members shall properly complete their annual renewal form when renewing their membership, and deliver it to the membership director along with the proper dues payment.
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you allow your club membership to lapse for more than 6 months you cannot do a renewal of membership. You must instead submit a New Membership application and go through the “new membership” process.
  • There are no prorated memberships.
  • All members shall perform an annual minimum of 4 hours of donated work or an equivalent monetary donation to the club ($10 an hour), as stated on the membership form. The work obligation may be fulfilled in a variety of ways, such as: Help at one of the Club Work Bees; Join a Committee (Membership, Finance, Range and Safety, Field, Publicity); Help at one of the Club's Public Events; Help with Club Maintenance (empty trash into the dumpster, clean bathrooms, clean classroom, pick up brass and trash on ranges, etc.); Help with the Mowing; Help at FCSC's booth at the Franklin County Fair; Cook at one of the Summer Club Meetings, Registered Trap or one of our Events; Be a candidate for the Board of Directors.
  • All members have the right and the responsibility to call a “Cease Fire” in the event of any perceived unsafe situation or activity. All shooters will immediately comply with any call of “Cease Fire” by stopping shooting, placing guns down on the bench with actions open and stepping away from the firing line until the situation is resolved and safety restored.
  • Any injury, damage or mishandling of a firearm incident that happens on club property must be reported to a board of director member immediately.
  • Article 3, section 6 of the FCSC bylaws states: All members must obey club rules and regulations. In the event that a member’s actions or conduct is in violation of the rules or becomes injurious to the organization or its purposes, the club has the right to discipline the member according to the parliamentary procedure followed by this organization. The Executive Committee shall be the primary disciplinary body of the Organization and may invoke the right to use executive session for certain disciplinary proceedings.


  • Are on a probationary period for the first 6 months.
  • Must have a safety check and skills assessment by an experienced senior member designated by the board of directors before being allowed to use the indoor pistol range.
  • At the safety session a new member must bring the firearm they plan to use on the indoor pistol range.The new member will be evaluated for the safe use of this firearm.Failure to demonstrate a sufficient level of skill and safety will result in not having access to the indoor pistol range until such time they can demonstrate sufficient skill and safety.This is to protect other club members and property.
  • May not bring any guests for their first 6 months.


The Franklin County Sportsmen's Club is not a public shooting range, but a private, members-only club. The public is welcome as an invited guest of the club, a guest of a member, or at a scheduled public event.

FCSC members may bring guests to the club, subject to the club's guest policy. Because a member is responsible for closely supervising a guest, a member may only bring 1 or 2 guests for a shooting session.

There is a $10 Guest Fee for each guest.

When shooting with a guest, only one gun may be in use by your party at a time so that the member can fully supervise the guest.

All guests must fill out and sign the Guest Waiver of Liability form as soon as they arrive at the club and BEFORE doing any shooting All guests must wear a Visitor Badge while at the ranges. Visitor Badges are located in the clubhouse on the wall by the Guest Waivers.

Guest Waiver of Liability forms can be downloaded from the website and can also be found on the wall just inside the classroom. Completed forms, with the $10.00 guest fee, should be put into an envelope and the envelope placed into the front part of the lockbox on the wall.

Members are responsible for remaining with and supervising their guests at all times.


  • All persons, who are not guests of a member or guests of the club (i.e. general public shooting Trap and Skeet, or participating in a Turkey Shoot) shall follow all rules, regulations, laws, and policies of the Franklin Country Sportsmen's Club specified here. Copies of this document are available in the clubhouse.
  • Anyone on club property who does not follow these rules, regulations, or policies, will be asked to leave and not return. If necessary, they will be escorted off the premises.


  • All currently paid members shall be issued an electronic fob that will allow them access to the grounds and the clubhouse.
  • There shall be a $10.00 replacement fee for any lost or damaged fob.
  • If at any time a member cannot access the alarm system; (i.e. front gate, main club house door) they should contact the President at a reasonable time to manage the situation.
  • If at any time a fob does not seem to work, please do not ever press any of the buttons on the panels as this will complicate the problem.
  • After any type of inclement weather, if a member finds that his or her fob does not seem to work, there might be other existing problems that need immediate attention.
  • If the fob does not work, please do not try and forcibly open the gate or main clubhouse door as this will surely cause damage. Please contact a club officer as soon as possible.
  • All members shall be responsible to maintain current membership in the club to keep their fob active, as it will not be the responsibility of the club to send out renewal forms or mailings to remind members to re-join.
  • Assigned club fobs (electronic access cards) may not be loaned or given to anyone.


  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Render first aid to the best of your ability.
  • Send for the first aid kit/AED.
  • If EMS is called, send someone to the front gate to direct them to the scene.
  • Fill out Injury Report Form (see Appendix)


  • There is ZERO TOLERANCE for any possession or use of illegal drug(s) while on club property.
  • There is ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone being under the influence or impairment of drugs or alcohol while on club property. This also includes prescription medicine.
  • The only place permitted for the consumption of an alcoholic beverage is upstairs, inside the classroom, or outside on the cement porch.
  • Alcoholic beverages shall not be consumed before or during any shooting activity.
  • No person is permitted to consume any alcoholic beverage beyond the legal limit of intoxication.
  • No person is allowed to operate any motor vehicle while on club property after being presumed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


  • All vehicles that enter the property of the club must be properly registered, insured, and operated safely at all times.
  • Members or guests that operate motor vehicles while on the property of the club must be properly licensed to operate their respective motor vehicles.
  • All vehicles shall drive only on the existing roadways and park only in designated areas.
  • Any vehicular accidents must be reported to a Board Member. If there is any injury, follow the emergency protocol.


  • No smoking is allowed in the clubhouse.
  • No handling of loaded firearms in the clubhouse.
  • Please clean up after yourself and if the trash barrels are full, please empty them into the dumpster.
  • It shall be the responsibility of any instructors or group that use the club house or facilities to properly clean and return to prior condition the club house/facilities as it was before the event took place.
  • A representative of the group or entity and a representative of the club will inspect the club house and note the condition(s) before and after any event.
  • It is the responsibility of all members to keep the clubhouse and facilities clean.


  • Incendiary, explosive and armor piercing rounds are not permitted on any range.
  • Fully automatic firearm use is permitted only on the rifle range with prior notification to and permission by an executive officer.Only individuals properly licensed to possess and operate such firearms are permitted to use them.
  • Caliber restrictions for all ranges are posted and must be followed.


  • The Indoor pistol range is open for member use 24/7, except for times it may be closed due to a class or reserved for a training or activity. These times are posted on the website calendar.
  • All shooters
  • All shooters wear eye and ear protection.
  • Always turn on the ventilation system.
  • Only paper and cardboard targets are permitted in the Indoor Range.
  • PLEASE operate the target hangers slowly.
  • Only approved calibers may be used.
  • Shoot so that the bullet only goes into the rubber backstop.
  • Targets may only be placed in the target holders
  • Minimum distance from firing line is 7 yds. If shooting closer than 7 yds. run the target to the backstop and go downrange. Never go down range until the safety light is turned on.
  • If there are multiple shooters, please make known your need to go downrange. Once all shooters are in agreement, put on the safety light. Announce “cease fire the range is cold”, and visually ensure that all firearms have been made safe. Only then may you go down range. When finished return to the shooting line. It is your responsibility to shut off the light and announce “the range is hot”. Guns now may be loaded and shooting resumed.
  • When someone is down range all other shooters are to make their guns safe. This means magazines out, guns unloaded, actions opened, and guns placed on the shelf with the ejection port facing up and with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Then step away from the firing line. Never handle a firearm when someone is down range
  • When leaving police your brass andclean up debris both at the firing line and down rangeTake a full trash bag to the dumpster.Larger cardboard targets that don’t fit in the trash barrel are to be placed in the dumpster.
  • Immediately report to a member of the Board of Directors any injury, damage or mishandling of a firearm incident.


  • Open for member use from 8:30 am to dusk (Monday through Saturday); 10:00 am to dusk (Sunday).A specific range may be closed due to a class or reserved for a training or activity. These times are posted on the website calendar.
  • All shooters
  • All shooters wear ear and eye protection while using the range.
  • Please always be aware of other shooters and onlookers to make sure that they are properly wearing their ear and eye protection before you fire.
  • approved calibers may be used. Signs are posted at each range outlining what types of guns are allowed on specific ranges.
  • Shooters may fire from the firing line, or go on the range to shoot at closer distance, BUT these two types of shooting may not be done on the same range at the same time.
  • Never go in front of the firing line or downrange until you have made sure it is completely safe to do so.
  • If there are multiple shooters using a range:Please communicate with others present your need to go in front of the firing line or down range.Once all shooters are in agreement, announce “Cease fire the range is cold”, and visually ensure that all firearms have been made safe.This means magazines out, guns unloaded, actions opened, and guns placed on the shelf with the ejection port facing up and with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Then step away from the firing line. Never handle a firearm when someone is down range. Once all individuals are back at the shooting line and there is no one on the range, the firing line may go “hot” again. Guns now may be loaded and shooting resumed.
  • paper, cardboard, or Board of Director approved steel targets shall be used in the outdoor handgun ranges.
  • Place paper targets on the target boards within the red border, not on the target frames.
  • NO incendiary or explosive rounds are allowed on any range.
  • NO Exploding or "Reporting" targets--whether homemade or commercially produced, such as Tannerite--are allowed.
  • NO full auto firing at any pistol range. (Fully automatic weapons may only be fired or possessed by licensed personnel, only on the rifle range, and only after notifying an Executive Officer or Board Member for permission.
  • In certain circumstances a law enforcement entity or group who has rented the facility may use shotguns in the Outdoor Handgun Range under strict supervision.
  • Hanging targets must be hung so bullets will not strike the cable. Use a target holder to hold targets so all bullets go safely into the berm.
  • Do not climb onto the berms.
  • Pick up all brass and put into the bucket provided
  • All debris, including targets, wood, paper and cardboard must be picked up and put into the trash barrels provided. If a trash barrel is full, please empty it into the dumpster.
  • Immediately report to a member of the Board of Directors any injury, damage or mishandling of a firearm incident.

Outdoor Rifle Range

  • Open for member use from 8:30 am to dusk (Monday through Saturday); 10:00 am to dusk (Sunday), except for times range may be closed due to a class or reserved for a training or activity. These times are posted on the website calendar.
  • All shooters
  • All shooters wear ear and eye protection while using the range.
  • Please always be aware of other shooters and onlookers to make sure that they are properly wearing their ear and eye protection before you fire.
  • approved calibers may be used. Signs are posted at each range outlining what types of guns are allowed on specific ranges.
  • ALWAYS turn on the red safety lights before you or anyone else goes in front of the firing line or goes downrange. This applies even when there is no one else around!
  • Never go in front of the firing line or downrange until you have made sure it is completely safe to do so.
  • If there are multiple shooters using a range:Please communicate with others present your need to go in front of the firing line or downrange.Once all shooters are in agreement, announce “Cease fire the range is cold”, and visually ensure that all firearms have been made safe.This means magazines out, guns unloaded, actions opened, and guns placed on the benches with the ejection port facing up and with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Then step away from the firing line. Never handle a firearm when someone is down range. Once all individuals are back at the shooting line and there is no one on the range, the red safety lights must be turned off and the firing line may go “hot” again. Guns now may be loaded and shooting resumed.
  • paper, cardboard, or Board of Director approved steel targets may be used in the outdoor handgun ranges.
  • Place paper targets on the target boards within the red border, not on the target frames.All targets must be at least 4 feet off the ground.
  • Do not shoot at poles or place targets on poles.
  • shoot breakable targets such as clay birds or water filled plastic jugs or other such Board of Director authorized targets on the 200 yard berm and right hand 100 yard berm.
  • targets so that each and every bullet goes into the berm and not over the berm or into the lawn.
  • Shoot only in your lane.Do not shoot diagonally across the range.
  • NO incendiary or explosive rounds are allowed on any range.
  • NO exploding or "Reporting" targets--whether homemade or commercially produced, such as Tannerite--are allowed.
  • Fully automatic weapons may only be fired or possessed by licensed personnel, only on the rifle range, and only after notifying an Executive Officer or Board Member for permission.
  • Do not climb onto the berms.
  • Pick up all brass and put into the bucket provided
  • All debris, including targets, wood, paper and cardboard must be picked up and put into the trash barrels provided. If a trash barrel is full, please empty it into the dumpster.
  • Immediately report to a member of the Board of Directors any injury, damage or mishandling of a firearm incident.


  • Any member or properly registered guest of a member may shoot archery on the designated archery range only and must make sure of the backstop and what is beyond.
  • All arrows in bows must be pointed in a safe direction at all times.
  • If there are multiple shooters using a range:Please communicate with others present your need to go in front of the firing line or downrange.Once all shooters are in agreement, announce “Cease fire the range is cold”, and visually ensure that all bows and arrows are set down, before going downrange. Once all individuals are back at the shooting line and there is no one on the range, the firing line may go “hot” again. Archery shooting may now be resumed.

Trap and Skeet

  • Open for member use at the designated times posted on the website calendar.
  • Fees for skeet and trap are:$3.00 per Round of Skeet (Members) $4.00 per Round of Skeet (Guests).
  • All guest must sign the club's liability Waiver. As they are paying the guest fee for skeet, they are not required to pay the standard $10 guest fee.
  • All shooters
  • All shooters wear ear and eye protection while using the range.
  • Please always be aware of other shooters and onlookers to make sure that they are properly wearing their ear and eye protection before you fire.
  • All shotguns must remain unloaded and with actions open until it is the shooter’s turn to fire.
  • Do not shoot at the trap or skeet houses.
  • All empty shells must be picked up and all debris properly disposed of.
  • Immediately report to a member of the Board of Directors any injury, damage or mishandling of a firearm incident.

The rules, regulations, and policies in this document are to protect members and their guests while engaging in activities on club property. These rules, regulations, and policies safeguard the club for current and future members to use and enjoy.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please visit the Become a Member page, which describes the application process.

FCSC Rules & Policies

UMPD Training
Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
50 Yard Range
Posted to: General Events
Board of Directors Meeting
Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Posted to: General Events
Practical Hand Gun
Sat, Feb 15, 2025, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
50 Yard Range
Posted to: General Events
UMPD Training
Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
50 Yard Range
Posted to: General Events
Members Meeting
Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Posted to: General Events
Basic Home Firearms Safety Course
Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Posted to: General Events
Practical Hand Gun
Sat, Mar 8, 2025, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
50 Yard Range
Posted to: General Events
Board of Directors Meeting
Thu, Mar 13, 2025, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Posted to: General Events
Practical Hand Gun
Sat, Mar 22, 2025, 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
50 Yard Range
Posted to: General Events
Basic Home Firearms Safety Course
Sat, Apr 5, 2025, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Posted to: General Events
Board of Directors Meeting
Thu, Apr 10, 2025, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Posted to: General Events
Board of Directors Meeting
Thu, May 15, 2025, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Posted to: General Events
We are hosting a seminar with the experts of GOAL to better understand the new MA gun laws. Registration Required. Check your email for instructions.
James Forrester of KeepGunsSafe.com has noted that Franklin County Sportsmen’s Club is one of the top gun ranges in Massachusetts!
Test your skills and compete with others on the rifle range!
In June we relocated our Archery Range to a woodland setting a little more removed from the gun ranges.
On July 3, 2019, our new .22 Rimfire Range opened!
Last Sundays of the month through November. For Members Only. Calibers .17 through .223 Centerfire. $5 Entry Fee. Rifle Range Reserved.
Visit the club’s Facebook page. Like, Follow, Share!